Wednesday, November 16, 2005


since i've been goes...

7 things that scare me :

-not being able to see & move
-losing my loved ones
-talking to pastor...hahaha...
-horror movie

7 random facts about me
-i don't like drinking water..explains the fact tat i get ulcer so often tat im used to the pain...haha
-i'm very shy...seriously...i don't dare to exchange stuff whn the person give me the wrong thing..haha..i oso dunno y..
-i can watch movies alone..
-i like adventurous stuff..
-i can sleep in ALOT...hahaha...
-i dont dare to snatch things from other ppl...i like to let ppl...
-i like to think alot...mayb sumtimes too much..

7 things i hope to do before i die: the fullest..
-bring more ppl to Christ
-bungee jump or white river rafting *hint* hahaha
-get married & have kids
-get a taylor
-visit the 7 wonders of the world...
-John Mayer concert!!!

7 things i can do:
-play guitar...
-roll my tongue
-make fish noise..haha
-make ppl laugh..whn i dont think its funny
-sunburn myself n not care...hahaha...

7 people who should fill this out:
-whoever is bored..