Happy belated Valentines day! haha...well, haf been rili rili busy wif all the quizes, tests, assignments n stuff tats y nvr post anythin for such a long time...today i jz finished my physics common test n after this im free!! feel so lazy to go college tomoro...one day left...yay!! im goin back to KCH for CNY btw...hehe...cant wait cant wait....
anyways, i had a great Valentine's Day ystrdy...it was a really good surprise and i jz wanna thank u for doin tat...it meant so much to me...everythin i wanted to say i've told u already so no need to post here anymore la..haha...Thank You!! =D
N tat day i was jz looking thru my pics n stuff...jz really miss some ppl la...hope u all are doin fine...some of u i'll see soon, the others...I hope i will see u, bt mayb nt so easy...
I miss the Sot Squad...Rmbr-ing those sundays whr we go crazy jz laughing and hanging out in Fran's room....good times ey? Wish we cud do tat again, bt dont knw if we 3 cud come together that way again...
The KKK...Wonder how the 3 of u r doin...it's been awhile since i've hang out wif u all making pizzas n watching movies...last time we hang out was our island trip...haha...dunno when i'll see u all again...esp Karen...My We-Tawd Fwen....=( Kat n Keira, I'll see u both soon...hehe...
Kimmy Chung Mann Yee...I've not chat or skyped u for so long dy...how's u la? nvr update me oso...I miss all the Pizza Ria, Yoyo, Dezert...etc.goin crazy in the car wif all the cacat songs..haha..lotsa songs still remind me of u..knw? Hope i get to catch up wif u when u go back to KK cos i think i'll b thr at tat time...hehe...make sure u find me ah...Or else....
My Dai-Go Alex...I miss goin CS and playing Risk wif u n the other jokers...and the dinners wif all the D&M talks...haha...faster come down to KL lah!! We all waiting for u ady...haha... got plans dy..muahahaha...*evil*
The cacat-ed Peter Fred...I miss bullying u la...haha...and the late night movies, yum cha, esp the one wif kim at Emas Helang or watever tat place is called...best yum cha i ever had...haha...And ur jiwang karat chord prgressions n all the funny songs to sing on sunday...man, jz miss playing wif u in ur team la..Thanx 4 all the encouragements n ur shoulder on my last nite in KK...haha...Dunno if u'll ever read this bt yeah..thanks man...
The Passion Rally band...man i miss playing wif all these ppl...esp Addie...my lil bro...Im so sorry i din get to play wif u during my last month playing in Skyline...u la, so busy, travel here n there bt nvm la..hope we'll get to play together again..and the others, althou most of us are in KL dy bt i dont think this team will ever, EVER, get together and haf a rally again...really miss those times, the tears, the laughter, the awesome worship...Continue to make Jesus proud in the paths tat ur in nw...no matter wat it is, there's alwez one thing holding us together...That's Him...hehe...
My frens from school too!! haha...the not so complete Kolombong gang..Miss all the movie nites, bak kut teh, yen ai yum cha, goin crazy in class and stuff...I knw u all like super bz in sch rite nw n nt alot of u haf been keeping in contact bt i hope tat when i go back i wont be like a stranger to u all...haha...All the best in ur UEC n SPM this yr...Miss u all..Xiao rocks!
Last bt not least, My beloved family...Miss you all so much!!! Miss mum's cooking and baking..Miss watching football wif papa and him sending me to school..Miss talking to koko about serious stuff n him bullying me..Miss Abel wif his funny comments "Can...ada Leaf.." haha...gonna see u all soon..cant wait dy...heheh...hope we can go for holiday again as a family...remember my promise? when im older n working? dont worry, it's still on...the Holiday...haha..Abel, will see u end of the year yea? All the best, Abel koko...haha...happy onot i call u koko? haha...Well, tats it la for now...quite a long post hor? ish...nvm la...dont complain...my blog wut...i'll do wat i want wif it...*bleah* hahaha...okla...will post again when im in KCH or when i get back.. hehe..YAY!! GO HOME!!! =D
yay!!! finally an update =)
hehehehe ppl too BUSY oredi bah, preparing for Valentines Day.. coff coff.. hahaha...
Happy Belated Valentines Day!!!
love you loads.... =)
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